Marine Weather

Weath-er \ wěth-ɘr: the state of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness.

Old Salty's
Weather Tips
The weather dictates how Enjoyable and Safe our time on the water will be.
The weather is always changing and can change very quickly.

The prudent boater will always; review the forecast before leaving, monitor the forecast during the trip, and keep an “eye to the ski” for changing Conditions.

Marine Weather Notes

Marine weather will always include wind speed and direction. Basic weather on the television etc. may just report breezy or windy (too vague) for the boater.
Wave heights are directly linked to wind speed.
Higher wind speeds = Higher wave heights.
Get a feel for your comfort level and the sea conditions for various wind speeds.

Marine forecast is also available on your VHF radio Wx. (Monitor during your trip)

Marine Weather Notes

Open the link below and:
for Marine forecast select your area by clicking directly on the Map. for Landlubber weather enter city, state or zip code in upper left box.

CT and NY

New Jersey

East Coast

United States

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